Thursday, February 3, 2011

Don't Use My Money to Buy the Steak and Lobster I Can't Afford

Have you ever been in the grocery store, searching through your coupons hoping to find the sweet deal when somebody walks by you in their pajamas, asks the the seafood guy for a big ol' salmon and puts it in their basket full of sodas, boxes of processed food and all of the most expensive food products the store carries?

Have you ever seen that person at the register purchasing all of their items with food stamps?

I have.  It's annoying.  Why do the people who receive federal or state money get to buy the wonderful food I can't afford?  We work hard.  We do what we can to provide for our family, sacrificing some yummy food to provide essentials for our family.  
And here are people taking from the government, from us, buying whatever their little hearts desire.

How does that even happen?  

I'm all for helping people when they're down and out.  But what happened to the food bank, where families could get the essentials for their family?  What about having food stamps used for essentials only at the grocery store, just the way the WIC program works?  What about some other way to help families without rewarding them for using government assistance?

If you are using the food stamp program, good on ya.  But don't do it forever.  And don't use them to buy two 20 oz sodas then walk out and get in your Escalade.

                                                                  Limits on food stamps?  
Now there's a concept.

I ♥ Responsibility!

Photo courtesy of this site:

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