Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'm (Not) Old

Somebody in my class called out my oldness tonight.  I don't know why; I really  thought he was only a few years younger than me.

Let me tell you something though. I am not old.  I am 33.  ( I hear a gasp from the back because a woman just admitted her age.)  That is not old.  That is pretty damn young.
Except I know that any one in their twenties, even late twenties, thinks any thirty-something is ancient.  I know this because I thought the same thing.  And honestly, I still think that way about forty-something.

But why do I feel this way?  Because that's what society tells me to think.  And I follow this rule wholly.  Not intentionally of course, but because it's what I know.  When I watch a movie, there's a leading man who's 'old' and there's a leading lady in her early twenties.  And they are a couple.  And all I can think is "Ew!"  But if she weren't twenty, I'd be like "Why is this old lady hooking up with him?"

The only reason I say I'm not old is because I don't feel it.  Honestly.  I know it's cliché, but it's true.  I still feel like that kid who doesn't know what's going on half of the time.  The difference now is that it doesn't bother me that I don't know what's going on.

I'm rambling on now.  Just remember one thing.... I ain't old!  Not that there's anything wrong with old.  =)

I ♥ My Young Heart!

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