Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Running Page

If you know me, you know I run a little.  And if you really know me, you know it's very little.  I like to run.  Well, actually I like how I feel after I run, not really how I feel during, so I do it for post-run only.
Five years ago I mocked runners.  Who in their right minds would want to run?  And, who in their right minds would pay to run, as in a race, where it can cost upwards of $75?  That's a lot of dough I could spend on a cute outfit or my hair.  Or anything besides running.  I could run for free if I really wanted to.  But I didn't want to. So I laughed at them.
Then three years ago some dear friends of mine, whom I no longer lived near, decided they were going to do the Oklahoma City Half Marathon and asked if I wanted to join them.  Well heck no, I didn't want to run!  But I did want to see my friends.  I decided to join them at the race in OKC, but only because I so needed to see them.
I trained about four months for that half marathon.  And you know what?  I learned a lot about myself through that training, none of which had much to do with running.  I learned that I have many excuses.  I learned that I can go farther than I thought.  I learned to persevere.  Because of my friends, I went from running two minutes feeling out of breath to running seven miles straight and actually finishing a half marathon. And because of them, I learned I'm tougher than I thought.

Me, for real, finishing the half.
Me and The Motivators

In 2012, we're doing it again; I will meet them in OKC and we'll run our hearts out. Me literally.  I will begin my training with three mile runs, move farther along to a ten mile run, climaxing with the half (hee-hee, I said climaxing).  In honor of this phase of my life, I am creating a new tab on this blog: How to Run.  This page will be filled with posts coming from my own take on running.  As I said, some people like to run and I am not one of them (personally, I don't think anybody actually enjoys it, but I won't go on about that), so my posts will be for real people.  Real people who don't want to do it but, for some reason or another, must.
I feel I should tell you that my tips are by no means endorsed by the medical community.  This legal tidbit also sticks out- consult your doctor before beginning any exercise regime.
I hope you enjoy it; maybe it'll be your ticket to more confidence too.

I ♥ Melissa, Amy, and Holly!


  1. Love you Vicky! Thanks for sharing this with us. I feel much the same as you. Running is SO difficult for me. It's not something that comes naturally to me, and I really have to focus mind and body to achieve such big goals. We can do it together! Can't wait to see you!

  2. That was Melissa...

  3. Thank you for sharing. When I started running 26 years ago I felt a bit the way you describe, but now I actually enjoy the run part of running. I feels good to be out there running - I feel free and I often enjoy my music (on occasion I dance a bit out there on the run). Running rocks!
    ~ Coach Lora Erickson
    "Blonde Runner"
