My dear, dear friend Maureen had the following tips for shin splint relief and prevention. She's a ninja y'all, so she knows what she's talking about.
ouch!! I actually physically CANNOT run through it! So, here's what I do...WARM UP!! If I'm going to run 3 miles, I jog 1/4 mile, then do some stretching and other warm-up exercises. Then I run the 3 miles! Tennis balls and rolling pins are the a shin-splint sufferer's best friend!! Sit in a chair w/ rolling pin on floor and feet on rolling pin, knees above ankles, and roll out as far as you can, then roll back. You can do that to prevent and treat shint splints.
This link shows a really good stretch to prevent or treat shin splints. I do this stretch in karate 4 times a week. So, when I'm going to karate regularly, I don't notice any problems with shin splint pain. But when I took a few weeks off karate - and that stretch - I did have pain while I was running. So I think it's definitely worth adding to your warm-up. :)
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