SoapBoxers is how my blog began. I had wanted a single-topic blog to keep it clean and streamlined.
But at some point, I began to feel as if all I do is complain. So I'm re-doing the blog. I'll probably rename it, put up some new tabs with varying topics and maybe even figure out how to design it myself. Maybe.
SoapBoxers will still definitely be a part of this blog; it will just be contained to one of the topic tabs instead of being the whole she-bang.
Below, you'll find all of the SoapBoxers posts, in reverse chronological order. Simply click on the topic that piques your interest. And as always, if there's a subject you'd really like to get off your chest, email me at and we can discuss it here and even link it to your blog if you'd like.
The Parenthood
EBT at 7-11
Burn Out
One Reason SoapBoxers is a Small Part Instead of All
Speaking of Stupid Laws...
A Stupid Law
I'm Not Old. Am I?
Funny Thing About People...
Pro-Choice All the Way Baby
Mountain Poem
Somebody Was Mean to Me
My Inorganic Life
I Showed Her Good
Taboo Gas
Gas Prices Suck
Time to Laugh, with Jamie
Dear Mr. Construction Worker Dude
Don't Use my Money to Buy the Steak and Lobster I Can't Afford
Anti-Bacterial is for the Germs
Responsibility. Take Some.
Big Trucks
New Years Resolutions
This Wonderful Time of Year
The Time for Gratuity is Gone
Future Tipping Post
Stupid Feminists
Mini Soap About Diabetes and Fat
Crazy Drivers
Welcome to SoapBoxers