Monday, December 6, 2010

Damn You Feminists....

I want to stay home.  I want to clean my house.  I want to take care of my kids.  If I forget to send them to school with a lunch, I should be able to get it to them without worrying what someone will think because I'm taking their time... someone being my boss.  Or at least worrying about my boss will think. 
I want to have dinner at least almost ready when my husband gets home form work.
And you know what?  I think he'd like that too.

Because I said the word feminist in my subject line, I'm sure many minds have gone to strong opinions, some being of the "Yeah! Women! We can do anything we, I mean men, want!" tribe, others from the "Damn feminists! You ruined my life!" sect.  Obviously, I lean toward the latter, but the truth is, I'm actually more toward the middle line.

I am grateful that I'm able to vote, and that my incredibly intelligent daughter will be able to vote when she's of age.  I'm grateful that I'm able to pretty much get any job I am want.  And that my girl will get more of a job choice when she's grown (that is, assuming the women's rights continues).  I'm grateful that I'm taken seriously.  Ahem... seriously.
On the other hand, I pray that my wonderfully charming, loving son will have a just as wonderful wife to take care of his family.

My point is... I want a choice.  Somewhere along this feminist road, women's choice was thrown out of the wagon.  And I'm not talking about the choice to abort a baby.... that's a whole 'nother story.  I'm talking about the choice to stay home or to work.  Families now must, on my normal standards anyway, take in two good-sized incomes.  Of course, good-sized is relative, but you know what I mean.  American society demands that we, as families, each have at least two vehicles, at least a five room home- not including a bedroom for each person, and at least a two car garage.  How is it really possible to afford that without two incomes?  I suppose we women could ask our husbands to procure a second job, which many do.  But how would that really be taking care of our families?

So I guess the problem's not necessarily women's rights, but our economic society.  Still... I have to wonder... would inflation have gained so quickly had we not demanded that we be "able" to work?  Really, I think we all know women are able to work.  That's a pretty reliable statement.  But we had to prove that we can do it, as if everybody's simply knowing that we can wasn't enough.   And the consequence is that now, we have to work to live our American lifestyle.

I know, I know... we don't have to live an American lifestyle, per se.  But tell me, what do you really think of people who don't live this way?


  1. I love, love LOVE, this post. So many times I have thought, crap-- WHY must I get an education, oh yea, so I can work and we can have extra money for 'things'...uuuuggghhh, indeed, damn you feminists! (in a good way) On the flip side though, when I AM home and not at work or school, I enjoy my children and patient husband to the FULLEST and I think if I had that on a daily basis I would probably take advantage of it, and not appreciate it as much as I do. Thanks for speaking your mind, I love reading this blog, keep it up!!

  2. Thanks All About Me! I'm glad you enjoy it. It's a good release. =)
    And you're right, I probably wouldn't appreciate it like I should. In fact, I might post blogs about how I want to go to work. =) We Americans are never satisfied. And by "we Americans", I mean me.
