Monday, August 15, 2011

Step Two of Vicky's Running 'Plan'

Did you get rid of your excuses yet?  I hope so.  'Cause if you didn't, it doesn't matter.  The next, and final, step to my running plan is, drum roll please ........  get your arse out there and do it!

Pick up your running shoes, go outside and run.  Don't have running shoes?  You could get some.  Many 'experts' say running shoes are all important; you should definitely buy the perfect pair for your feet.  I say all those experts are shoe salesmen, so I don't really believe 'em.  But there is a very good reason to splurge on some: if you spend $100 on shoes specifically to run in, your more likely to use them to actually run in.
But if you don't want to, there is a growing number of runners out there who swear by 'barefoot running'.  So no more excuses. Get out there and tear it up!

I ♥ Actually Doing It!

1 comment:

  1. I am not a salesman and I am here to say that your shoe makes a HUGE difference. Everyone's foot is different, with me, I need extra cushion because I over pronate (my ankles roll inward when I walk)--- before I got my shoes I had terrible shin splints, but with my new shoes (and lots of stretching before and after my run) I have been injury free for almost a year! :)
